welcome to our museum!

One day we will be a a vibrant and interactive physical space for all to visit but in the meantime we are proud to have a digital home and pleased to welcome you to it!

3 thoughts on “welcome to our museum!”

  1. Terry Larkin here thank you for posting some of my photo’s. The picture of Frank Holley, Monty Manning, and Jimmy Lang my old partner on Sqd 550. I have a fair amount of photos i will donate to the museum and some other stuff if you like. Dave Niebur has already post a fair amount of my photos. Sometime maybe this summer I will get up to MPLS. I will leave my info.

    1. Thank you, Terry! Your photo is terrific and we appreciate having names for the faces. We would love to post more of your photos and share the stories behind them. Please take a look at our planned podcast topics and let us know if you would like to participate in any of them. Best wishes to you!

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