confiscated weapons

From our collection of confiscated weapons, here is a 22 caliber revolver with a suppressor attachment:

Confiscated Revolver


Also featured in our Confiscated Weapons collection is this sawed-off 12 gauge side-by-side shotgun:


This croquet ball with spikes inserted in it is one of the items in the museum’s Confiscated Weapons collection:

Confiscated Weapons


Here is an LF & C Model Trench Knife dated from 1917 and used by the US Army during World War One. It is one of the oldest confiscated weapons in the museum’s collection:

Confiscated Weapons


Here is a homemade flail made from a chain and a steel ball. It is just one of the interesting confiscated weapons we have in our collection:

Confiscated Weapons


Here is a Smith & Wesson 37mm Tear Gas Launcher from our collection:

Confiscated Weapons

When you look at this confiscated BB-Gun altered to look like a sawed-off shotgun, you can understand just how difficult it is to tell in a split second what type of weapon it is that you are seeing.

This weapon was used in a four robberies on the night of February 13, 1984. It was reported by witnesses at the various robbery scenes as being a 12-gauge shotgun.