our earliest badge is worn again today

The very first style of the Minneapolis Police badge was a six-pointed star.

You can see it worn by Officer Henry G. Thompson who is pictured above in uniform along with his family.

During the 1900-1910s, Minneapolis Police Officers wore the first version of a shield-shaped badge. This version was distinguished by the over-sized letters MSPE.

As the twentieth century unfolded, the shield-shaped badge remained the standard, first in a version with an etched eagle and later in a version with a sculpted eagle.

Styles of Minneapolis Police Department Badges

In 2017, in honor of the Minneapolis Police Department’s 150th Anniversary, officers were given the option to wear the six-pointed star again.

If you keep an eye out you will notice many officers wearing this historic style.

The 2017 Six-Pointed Star Badge

Badges from the Collection of the Museum
Photographs courtesy of the Minneapolis Police Department