meet your northeast police

In the 1970s and 1980s, The Northeaster, the community newspaper of Northeast Minneapolis, featured stories of the Minneapolis Police Officers of the Second Precinct in a column by Karen Anderson called, “Meet Your Northeast Police”.

Here are the stories of Officers Nick Josul and Lieutenant Malcolm Laramore as written by Ms. Anderson:

Officer Nick Josul

“Officer Nick Josul, a lifetime Northeast resident, has been on the Minneapolis Police force for almost 18 years. All of those years have been spent serving as a patrolman out of the Eastside Precinct.

Officer Nick Josul

Most of the time, you’ll find Nick walking along Central Avenue. At other times, Nick is the one who takes your call at the front desk at the station. Still other times, Nick works out of a patrol car.

Nick says he became a police officer because he enjoys working with people. He says it’s interesting work and “I work with a nice bunch of guys.” Nick must be a pretty nice guy himself as he made this compliment of his fellow officers while a bunch of them were giving him the business during my brief interview with him.

Besides his regular police work, Nick also serves as a guard at the Fidelity State Bank on Central one day a week.

Nick is active at St. Mary’s Russian Orthodox Church and is a member of the Arcana Masonic Lodge, St. Mary’s Veterans’ Association, and the Goldbricks Club (How many of you know what that is?). Nick loves to fish and is an avid mushroom hunter.

Thanks for your dedication to our community, Nick.”

Lieutenant Malcolm Laramore

“Lieutenant Malcolm Laramore has a big smile on his face these days. He’s retiring January 15th, after 20 years with the Minneapolis Police Department. Not that he hasn’t enjoyed his work. He has—because “No two days are the same.” When asked why he became a police officer, he replied that he likes people and police work provided the opportunity to make life a little better for his fellowman.

Lieutenant Malcolm Laramore

Lieutenant Laramore started his career at the Second Precinct on January 1, 1960 as a patrolman. He was a Patrolman for 8 years. He was then promoted to Sergeant and transferred to the Third Precinct where he served for 4 1/2 years. In November of 1972, he was promoted to Lieutenant and spent a few years at the Bryant and Minnehaha Precincts. In August 1977 he was transferred back to the Second Precinct where he currently serves as the Watch Commander.

Lieutenant Laramore has been a member of the Masonic Lodge for 35 years and plays eight instruments. He also enjoys hunting, fishing, target shooting, and electronics. Lieutenant Laramore plans to retire to the Ozarks where he has purchased a home. He says he plans to travel and “do the things I never had time to do while I was working.”

We wish him well and extend our wishes for his many years of fine service to this community”.

Article on Officer Jossul from The Northeaster of December 1979 Courtesy of Hennepin County Library
Article on Lieutenant Laramore from The Northeaster of January 1980
Courtesy of Hennepin County Library