information about the officers of the policewomen’s bureau

We are hoping to learn more about the officers who served in the Policewomen’s Bureau so that we can feature them in upcoming spotlight articles.

In the top photograph, you will see the membership of the Policewomen’s Bureau as it existed in 1929. From left to right are pictured:

  • Blanche Jones – Lieutenant
  • Ethel Ray Nance – Investigator and Patrol Officer
  • Loraine Walling – Investigator and Patrol Officer
  • Mary Hans – Investigator and Patrol Officer
  • Florence Riel – Assistant to Lt. Jones

The bottom photograph, shows the Policewomen’s Bureau in 1938.

From left to right seated are:

  • Gladys Cooke – Investigator and Patrol Officer
  • Carrie Bystrom – Investigator and Patrol Officer
  • Mary Stolze – Investigator and Patrol Officer
  • Blanche Jones – Lieutenant

From left to right standing are:

  • Edith Evans – Investigator and Patrol Officer
  • Elsie Mueller – Investigator and Patrol Officer

Minnie Staples, who was an Investigator and Patrol Officer, was not present when the photograph was taken in 1938.

Do you have any information about the officers of the Policewomen’s Bureau that you can share with us? If so, please comment below or email us at

Thank you!

Top photograph courtesy of the Minneapolis StarTribune. Bottom photograph courtesy of the Hennepin County Library.