four officers honored for good work

On October 8, 1950, Minneapolis Police Chief William R. Jones announced the Commendations for Outstanding Police Work for the month of September.

Those receiving this honor were:

Patrolman Ramon Cronin for the capture of a 20-year-old burglar and hold-up man. This man’s arrest subsequently cleared up 50 unsolved crimes. Officer Cronin made a total of 18 arrests in September and recovered $2600 in stolen goods.

Patrolman Bruce Ahr and Patrolman Frank W. Johnson for the capture of a man who shot Patrolman George Terp, stole a squad car, and a private car belonging to an FBI agent. Chief Jones said that “although the man fired at these officers in the process of his capture, Officers Ahr and Johnson courageously apprehended and disarmed a dangerous criminal with a long and vicious criminal record”.

Patrolman Kenneth Pearson for courtesy. This award was made on the basis of letters received commenting on Pearson’s “consistently courteous attitude in dealing with the public” Chief Jones said.

The four officers, along with their wives, were the guests of honor at a celebratory dinner on October 18, 1950 at the Minneapolis Athletic Club.

Photos and story from the Minneapolis StarTribune of October 8, 1950