community chaplains

Did you know that the Minneapolis Police Department has a Community Chaplain Program?

The Community Chaplains serve the residents and police officers of the City of Minneapolis by providing encouragement, solace, and comfort wherever and whenever it is needed.

Pictured above in a circa 2017 photo are members of the Community Chaplain Program, front row, l-r: Officer Jason Andersen, Coordinator; Charles Graham, 3rd Pct; Alma Langley-Ward, 3rd Pct; Linda Koelman, 4th Pct; Bruce Pinke, 2nd Pct; Joan Austin, 5th Pct; Brett Miller, 2nd Pct; Sean Lee, 5th Pct; and Chief Medaria Arradondo. Back row: Terry Hayes, 4th Pct; Dave Larson, 3rd Pct; Dave Engman, 1st Pct; Carl Valdez, 5th Pct; Makram El-Amin, 4th Pct; Nathaniel Orr, 4th Pct.