an invitation to you

We are beginning planning for a series of video podcasts on Minneapolis neighborhoods called “Our Neighborhoods: Then and Now”.

In the first podcast of this series, we hope to bring together active and retired Minneapolis Police Officers and residents from different generations for a discussion of their life and work in the Northeast Minneapolis neighborhoods then and now.

We are looking for podcast participants and are reaching out to you to invite you to join us!

Here are some of the discussion topics we would like to feature in the podcast:

  • Where in Northeast Minneapolis did/do you live and/or work? If you worked/work in Northeast Minneapolis, describe your work. What was/is the best part? Worst?
  • What kinds of friendships and camaraderie did/do you form at work or in your neighborhood, and with whom? Whom did/do you trust and depend on?
  • Who was the most influential person in your work/life in Northeast Minneapolis? What lessons did that person teach you?
  • What was/is your favorite place to be in Northeast Minneapolis and why?
  • When you had/have the opportunity to eat a meal or snack away from home, where and what did/do you eat?
  • Did/do you shop in Northeast Minneapolis? Where and for what items?
  • If you are a person of faith, where did/do you attend services? Why did/do you choose worship with that particular congregation or community?
  • Describe your favorite memories of various holidays in Northeast Minneapolis. How did/do your family celebrate holidays? Did/do lots of relatives and friends get together? What traditions did/do you have year after year? What food was/is served?
  • Of all of your contributions to Northeast Minneapolis, which make you most proud?
  • What do you think the turning points in the history of Northeast Minneapolis have been and why?
  • Was there ever a time when you had doubts that Northeast Minneapolis could survive as a neighborhood? With whom did you share your thoughts and what did the people you know say?
  • If you could hold on forever to one memory from your time in Northeast Minneapolis, which one would it be?
  • What would you want to share with future generations about your experiences, and your feelings about Northeast Minneapolis?

We hope that you will consider joining us for this podcast. For more information, please reach out to us at

Thank you!